Why would gradle check pass, but gradle clean check –rerun-tasks fail?
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Why would gradle check pass, but gradle clean check –rerun-tasks fail?

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Are you pulling your hair out trying to figure out why your Gradle build is behaving like a rebellious teenager? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the mysterious world of Gradle builds and uncover the reasons behind this frustrating phenomenon.

What’s going on?

When you run `gradle check`, it’s essentially telling Gradle to perform a series of tasks to verify that your project is in good health. These tasks typically include compiling code, running tests, and checking for potential issues. If everything goes smoothly, Gradle will report a successful build.

However, when you add `–rerun-tasks` to the mix, Gradle is forced to re-execute tasks that have already been completed. This can lead to unexpected behavior, especially if you’ve made changes to your project since the last build.

The Problem: Caching and Incremental Builds

In an effort to speed up build times, Gradle employs a clever trick called incremental builds. This means that Gradle only re-compiles and re-runs tasks that have changed since the last build. Sounds great, right? Well, there’s a catch.

When you run `gradle clean`, you’re essentially telling Gradle to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. This includes deleting the build cache, which contains information about previous builds. By doing so, you’re essentially resetting the incremental build process.

Now, when you run `gradle clean check –rerun-tasks`, Gradle is forced to rebuild everything from scratch, but with a twist. The `–rerun-tasks` flag tells Gradle to re-execute tasks, even if they’ve already been completed. This can lead to complications, especially if you’ve made changes to your project since the last build.

Caching and the Build Cache

In Gradle, the build cache is responsible for storing information about previous builds. This includes:

  • Compiled classes and resources
  • Test results
  • Dependency resolution information
  • And other build-related data

When you run `gradle clean`, the build cache is deleted, and Gradle starts from scratch. However, if you’ve made changes to your project since the last build, the build cache might still contain outdated information. This can lead to conflicts and errors when Gradle tries to rebuild everything from scratch.

Solutions and Workarounds

Don’t worry, we’ve got some solutions and workarounds to help you overcome this issue:

1. Remove the `–rerun-tasks` flag

The simplest solution is to remove the `–rerun-tasks` flag and let Gradle handle the build process normally. This will ensure that Gradle only re-executes tasks that have changed since the last build.

gradle clean check

2. Use `gradle build` instead of `gradle check`

If you need to rebuild your project from scratch, use `gradle build` instead of `gradle check`. The `build` task will re-compile and re-run tasks that have changed, whereas `check` only verifies the build.

gradle clean build

3. Disable incremental builds

You can disable incremental builds altogether by adding the following configuration to your `build.gradle` file:

gradle.cache.maxSize = 0

This will force Gradle to re-compile and re-run tasks every time you build your project. Note that this might increase your build times, so use it wisely.

4. Use `gradle cleanBuildCache`

Gradle 4.10 and later versions provide a `cleanBuildCache` task that deletes the build cache without affecting the incremental build process. You can use this task to clean up the build cache before running your build:

gradle cleanBuildCache clean check


In conclusion, the mismatch between `gradle check` and `gradle clean check –rerun-tasks` is due to Gradle’s incremental build mechanism and caching. By understanding how caching and incremental builds work, you can avoid this issue and ensure a successful build.

Remember, when in doubt, remove the `–rerun-tasks` flag or use `gradle build` instead of `gradle check`. If you’re still experiencing issues, try disabling incremental builds or using `gradle cleanBuildCache`. Happy building!

Solution Command Description
Remove `–rerun-tasks` `gradle clean check` Let Gradle handle the build process normally
Use `gradle build` `gradle clean build` Rebuild your project from scratch
Disable incremental builds `gradle.cache.maxSize = 0` Force Gradle to re-compile and re-run tasks every time
Use `gradle cleanBuildCache` `gradle cleanBuildCache clean check` Delete the build cache without affecting incremental builds

By following these solutions and workarounds, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the mystery of the failing Gradle build. Happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Why would gradle check pass, but gradle clean check –rerun-tasks fail?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most burning questions about Gradle build issues!

Why do I get a successful build with `gradle check` but not with `gradle clean check –rerun-tasks`?

This is because `gradle clean` deletes the build directory, which means that all the intermediates and outputs from previous builds are gone. When you run `gradle check` after that, Gradle has to rebuild everything from scratch, which may uncover issues that weren’t caught earlier. The `–rerun-tasks` flag also forces Gradle to re-execute all tasks, even if their inputs haven’t changed.

Is it possible that my code has some issues that only surface during the `clean` task?

Yes, that’s a possibility! The `clean` task can uncover issues in your code that aren’t caught during a normal build. For example, if you have some code that relies on existing files or directories being present, it might pass during a normal build but fail when those files are deleted during the `clean` task.

Can I use Gradle’s incremental build feature to avoid this issue?

Yes, Gradle’s incremental build feature can help mitigate this issue. When you run `gradle clean check`, Gradle will rebuild everything from scratch, which can be slow and inefficient. By using incremental build, Gradle can reuse the results of previous builds and only rebuild what’s necessary, which can help avoid the issues that arise from a full rebuild.

Are there any specific Gradle plugins that can cause issues during the `clean` task?

Yes, some Gradle plugins can be finicky during the `clean` task. For example, the Android plugin can be problematic if you’re using it to build an Android app. You might need to tweak the plugin’s configuration or use a specific version that’s compatible with your Gradle version.

How can I troubleshoot the issue further to find the root cause?

To troubleshoot the issue, you can try running `gradle clean check –rerun-tasks` with the `–info` or `–debug` flag to get more detailed output. You can also try running individual tasks or subprojects separately to isolate the issue. Additionally, reviewing the Gradle build logs and looking for error messages or warnings can also help you identify the root cause of the issue.