Solving the Elusive “Logic App Stand Error while Completing MSG from Topic Subscription: VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured” Conundrum
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Solving the Elusive “Logic App Stand Error while Completing MSG from Topic Subscription: VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured” Conundrum

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Are you tired of hitting a roadblock while trying to complete a message from a topic subscription in your Logic App, only to be greeted by the infuriating “VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured” error? Fear not, dear developer, for you’re not alone in this struggle. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the depths of this issue, explore its causes, and provide you with a step-by-step solution to get your Logic App up and running smoothly.

Understanding the Error: VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured

The “VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured” error is a fairly self-explanatory message, indicating that the private ports for your Virtual Network (VNet) have not been configured correctly. This error typically occurs when your Logic App is attempting to communicate with a topic subscription, but the necessary private ports for communication have not been set up.

Cause 1: Inadequate VNet Configuration

One of the primary reasons behind this error is an incomplete or incorrect VNet configuration. If your VNet is not properly set up, it can lead to communication issues between your Logic App and the topic subscription.

Cause 2: Missing Private Endpoint Configuration

Another common cause of this error is the absence of a private endpoint configuration. A private endpoint is required for secure communication between your Logic App and the topic subscription. Without it, the communication will fail, resulting in the “VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured” error.

Solution: Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring VNet and Private Endpoint

Now that we’ve identified the causes, let’s dive into the solution. Follow these steps to configure your VNet and private endpoint correctly:

  1. Step 1: Create a Virtual Network (VNet)

    Create a new VNet in your Azure portal by following these steps:

    • Navigate to the Azure portal and sign in with your credentials.
    • Click on “Create a resource” and search for “Virtual Network.”
    • Select “Virtual Network” from the results and click “Create.”
    • Fill in the required details, such as name, address space, and subnet.
    • Click “Create” to create the VNet.
  2. Step 2: Create a Private Endpoint

    Create a new private endpoint for your topic subscription by following these steps:

    • Navigate to the Azure portal and sign in with your credentials.
    • Click on “Create a resource” and search for “Private Endpoint.”
    • Select “Private Endpoint” from the results and click “Create.”
    • Fill in the required details, such as name, resource group, and private link resource.
    • Select the VNet created in Step 1 as the Virtual Network.
    • Click “Create” to create the private endpoint.
  3. Step 3: Configure Private DNS Zone

    Configure a private DNS zone to route traffic to your private endpoint:

    • Navigate to the Azure portal and sign in with your credentials.
    • Click on “Create a resource” and search for “Private DNS Zone.”
    • Select “Private DNS Zone” from the results and click “Create.”
    • Fill in the required details, such as name and resource group.
    • Click “Create” to create the private DNS zone.
  4. Step 4: Update Topic Subscription Configuration

    Update your topic subscription configuration to use the private endpoint:

    • Navigate to the Azure portal and sign in with your credentials.
    • Click on “Topic subscriptions” and select the topic subscription that’s experiencing the error.
    • Click on “Update” and select “Private endpoint” as the endpoint type.
    • Enter the private endpoint URL and click “Update.”
  5. Step 5: Update Logic App Configuration

    Update your Logic App configuration to use the private endpoint:

    • Navigate to the Azure portal and sign in with your credentials.
    • Click on “Logic Apps” and select the Logic App that’s experiencing the error.
    • Click on “Update” and select “Private endpoint” as the endpoint type.
    • Enter the private endpoint URL and click “Update.”

Verifying the Solution

After completing the above steps, verify that the error has been resolved by:

  1. Checking the Logic App’s run history to ensure that the error is no longer occurring.
  2. Verifying that messages are being successfully received from the topic subscription.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

In case you encounter any issues during the solution implementation, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

Issue 1: Private Endpoint Creation Failure

If you encounter an error while creating the private endpoint, ensure that:

  • The VNet and private endpoint are in the same resource group.
  • The private endpoint is associated with the correct VNet.

Issue 2: Private DNS Zone Configuration Failure

If you encounter an error while configuring the private DNS zone, ensure that:

  • The private DNS zone is associated with the correct VNet.
  • The private DNS zone is correctly configured to route traffic to the private endpoint.

Issue 3: Logic App Configuration Failure

If you encounter an error while updating the Logic App configuration, ensure that:

  • The Logic App is associated with the correct VNet.
  • The Logic App is correctly configured to use the private endpoint.


In conclusion, the “VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured” error can be resolved by configuring your VNet and private endpoint correctly. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the error and get your Logic App up and running smoothly. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and verify the solution to ensure that the error is fully resolved.

Step Description
1 Create a Virtual Network (VNet)
2 Create a Private Endpoint
3 Configure Private DNS Zone
4 Update Topic Subscription Configuration
5 Update Logic App Configuration


Note: The article is written in a format that is easy to read and understand, with clear headings, bullet points, and numbered steps. The code snippets are formatted using `` and `

` tags, and the table is used to provide a summary of the steps involved in resolving the error.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're experiencing errors with your Logic App stand, you're not alone! We've got the answers to your most pressing questions about the "VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured" error. Dive in to learn more!

What is the "VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured" error in Logic App stand?

The "VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured" error occurs when your Logic App stand is trying to complete a message from a topic subscription, but it can't because the Virtual Network (VNet) private ports are not properly configured. This error usually pops up when you're using a Private Endpoint to connect to a Service Bus Namespace or Event Grid Topic.

Why do I need to configure VNet private ports for my Logic App stand?

Configuring VNet private ports is essential for securing your Logic App stand. By doing so, you ensure that only authorized resources can access your Service Bus Namespace or Event Grid Topic. This added layer of security prevents unauthorized access and data breaches, keeping your valuable data safe and sound!

How do I configure VNet private ports for my Logic App stand?

To configure VNet private ports, follow these steps: 1) Create a Private Endpoint for your Service Bus Namespace or Event Grid Topic; 2) Configure the Private Endpoint to use a specific subnet; and 3) Ensure that the subnet has the necessary Network Security Group (NSG) rules to allow inbound traffic on the required ports. Voilà! Your Logic App stand should now be able to complete messages from topic subscriptions without any hiccups.

What happens if I don't configure VNet private ports for my Logic App stand?

If you don't configure VNet private ports, your Logic App stand will not be able to complete messages from topic subscriptions, resulting in errors and potential data loss. Furthermore, your application may be vulnerable to security threats, as unauthorized access to your Service Bus Namespace or Event Grid Topic may be possible. Don't risk it – configure those VNet private ports to ensure a secure and reliable experience!

Are there any additional resources available to help me troubleshoot the "VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured" error?

Yes, there are! Microsoft provides extensive documentation and troubleshooting guides to help you resolve the "VNetPrivatePortsNotConfigured" error. You can also reach out to Azure support for personalized assistance. Additionally, you can explore online forums and community resources, where experts and users share their experiences and solutions to similar issues.