What can go wrong with Expo Secrets?
Image by Cherell - hkhazo.biz.id

What can go wrong with Expo Secrets?

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Expo Secrets, a powerful tool for managing secrets and environment variables in Expo apps, can be a game-changer for developers. However, as with any powerful tool, it’s not immune to errors and misconfigurations. In this article, we’ll dive into the common pitfalls and mistakes that can go wrong with Expo Secrets, and provide you with practical solutions to avoid them.

Incorrect Configuration

One of the most common mistakes when using Expo Secrets is incorrect configuration. This can happen when you’re setting up Expo Secrets for the first time or when updating an existing configuration.

Symptom: Unable to access secrets

If you’re unable to access your secrets, check your configuration file (app.config.js or app.json) for any syntax errors or typos. Make sure that you’ve correctly defined your secrets and environment variables.

// Correct configuration
export default {
  extra: {
    secrets: {
      API_KEY: 'my_api_key',
      DATABASE_URL: 'https://my-database.com',

Solution: Double-check your configuration

Review your configuration file carefully, and make sure that:

  • Your secrets and environment variables are correctly defined.
  • There are no syntax errors or typos.
  • You’ve correctly imported and exported the configuration file.

Secrets Not Being Updated

Another common issue with Expo Secrets is that secrets may not be updated correctly. This can happen when you’re updating an existing secret or adding a new one.

Symptom: Old secret value is still being used

If you’ve updated a secret, but the old value is still being used, check your caching setup.

// Incorrect caching setup
import { Secrets } from 'expo-secrets';

const secrets = new Secrets({
  caching: {
    enabled: true,
    ttl: 3600, // 1 hour

Solution: Update your caching setup

To avoid caching issues, update your caching setup to use a shorter TTL (time to live) or disable caching altogether:

// Correct caching setup
import { Secrets } from 'expo-secrets';

const secrets = new Secrets({
  caching: {
    enabled: false, // or set a shorter TTL

Environment Variables Not Being Set

Environment variables are an essential part of Expo Secrets. However, if they’re not set correctly, your app may not function as expected.

Symptom: Environment variables are not being recognized

If your environment variables are not being recognized, check your build configuration.

// Incorrect build configuration
module.exports = {
  // ...
  env: {
    // no environment variables defined

Solution: Define environment variables in your build configuration

Define your environment variables in your build configuration file (bable.config.js or webpack.config.js):

module.exports = {
  // ...
  env: {
    API_KEY: 'my_api_key',
    DATABASE_URL: 'https://my-database.com',

Security Risks

Expo Secrets is designed to keep your secrets safe, but if misconfigured, it can lead to security risks.

Symptom: Secrets exposed in the app

If your secrets are exposed in the app, it’s likely due to incorrect configuration or misuse of the expo-secrets package.

Solution: Follow best practices for secrets management

To avoid security risks, follow these best practices:

  1. Use environment variables to store sensitive data.
  2. Keep your secrets out of your code repository.
  3. Use a secure secrets manager like Expo Secrets or a third-party service.
  4. Avoid hardcoding secrets in your code.

Performance Issues

Expo Secrets can impact your app’s performance if not used correctly.

Symptom: Slow app startup or crashes

If your app is experiencing slow startup or crashes, it might be due to incorrect usage of Expo Secrets.

Solution: Optimize your secrets usage

To avoid performance issues, optimize your secrets usage by:

  • Caching frequently accessed secrets.
  • Using lazy-loading for secrets that are not critical for app startup.
  • Avoiding excessive use of secrets in performance-critical code paths.
Best Practice Description
Caching Cache frequently accessed secrets to reduce the number of requests to the secrets manager.
Lazy-loading Use lazy-loading for secrets that are not critical for app startup to reduce the initial load time.
Optimized usage Avoid excessive use of secrets in performance-critical code paths to prevent slowdowns.


Expo Secrets is a powerful tool for managing secrets and environment variables in Expo apps. However, it requires careful configuration and usage to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes. By following the best practices and solutions outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Expo Secrets setup is secure, efficient, and reliable.

Remember to:

  • Double-check your configuration for syntax errors and typos.
  • Update your caching setup to avoid caching issues.
  • Define environment variables in your build configuration.
  • Follow best practices for secrets management to avoid security risks.
  • Optimize your secrets usage to prevent performance issues.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Expo Secrets and building reliable, high-performance Expo apps.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on what can go wrong with Expo Secrets and how to avoid common pitfalls!

What if I accidentally expose my Expo Secrets to the wrong people?

Oh no! If you’ve shared your Expo Secrets with the wrong crowd, don’t panic! Immediately change your credentials, revoke access, and update your secrets management process to prevent future slip-ups. Remember, secrecy is key, so keep those secrets under lock and key!

Can I lose my Expo Secrets if I forget my password or lose access?

Uh-oh, don’t let forgetfulness get the best of you! Make sure to store your Expo Secrets securely, using password managers or encrypted vaults. If you do lose access, don’t worry – Expo provides backup and recovery options. Keep calm, and retrieve your secrets in no time!

What if Expo Secrets are compromised by a security breach?

Yikes, a security breach is a worst-case scenario! However, Expo takes security seriously, with robust measures in place to protect your secrets. In the unlikely event of a breach, Expo’s incident response team will notify you promptly, and you can take immediate action to secure your secrets. Stay vigilant, and Expo’s got your back!

Can I share Expo Secrets with team members or collaborators?

Collaboration is key, but secrecy is paramount! When sharing Expo Secrets with team members, ensure you’re using secure methods, like encrypted channels or access-controlled systems. Limit access to only those who need it, and use Expo’s built-in features for secure collaboration. Share wisely, and keep those secrets safe!

How can I ensure Expo Secrets are up-to-date and rotated regularly?

Stay on top of secret rotation, and keep those secrets fresh! Regularly review and update your Expo Secrets, using automated tools or workflows to minimize manual errors. Expo provides features for easy secret rotation, so take advantage of them to keep your secrets secure and your app running smoothly!